James McIntyre

The Cheese Poet] (25 May 1828 – 31 March 1906 / Forres, Scotland

Brodie Castle

The following sonnet on Brodie Castle Nairnshire, Scotland, was written
by my venerable Uncle, Thomas McIntyre, of St. Catherines, and father
of John B. McIntyre, Ex-Grand Master of the Independant Order of Odd
-fellows, and now, and for many years, an Alderman of the city of
St. Catherines. It was written by him as an acrostic on the words Brodie
Castle. I have taken the liberty of transfusing it into common verse. The
lines prove the old gentlemen to be kind hearted and as having a great
affection for his native land. He has been in. St. Catherines for half a
century, engaged in the same business I have been employed in for
about one-third of a century, in Ingersoll.

Scotland has produced three great shepherds
Talford, the inventor of Suspension Bridges,
Ferguson, the Astronomer, and Hogg the
Ettrick shepherd, the great song writer.

Brodie Castle,ever dear to my heart,
For there I first played my humble part.
When only thirteen, I there had employ.
In the position of a shepherd boy ;

For I was born on that fine estate,
Famed for its trees, so lofty and great,
And its magnificent avenue grand,
Which hath been famed over the land.

And, though I did leave to learn my trade,
And in Western world a home I have made,
Yet, whan I look back, my heart it still cheers,
Though it is now more than threescore years.

Since first I went there as a shepherd boy,
Thoughts of the time fill my heart yet with joy,
Though, that I ne'er shall see Castle more,
Fond memory reverts to the days of yore.
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