Jagrut Gupta

21 sept 2005
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Rings and rivulets of water
Rolling down the panes and roof
A cascade of little droplets
What gives life to the vast expanse

A dry thirst has now been quenched
The parched Earth has become moist
Resting underneath the porch
Raking wet across the shutters
Remaining still for far too long
Restless children yearn to play

The sky trembles from the echo
What majesty arcs the sky
What Nature's fury does now show
It's might in an electric display
A stout tree is rent as under
By a bolt straight from the blue
The power of this natural world
Does reveberate through dark clouds

The rain has brought new life
The grass thick and full of essence
What the Earth has brought in cycle
What food now feeds the masses
The Stout Tree feeds the soil
The soil now feeds the Grass
And with the coming of future Rains
Life dies and is born anew..
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