Ina Coolbrith

1841 – 1928 / Nauvoo, Illinois


UNTO the earth the Summer comes again:
She has, to quench her thirst, the dews and rain;
She has glad light about her all life's hour,
And love for gracious dower.

She makes the valleys pleasant for the herds;
Her seeds and berries ripen for the birds,
And cool about their nests she deftly weaves
A screen of tender leaves.

Her soft, delicious breath revives the land;
Her many flowers she feeds with lavish hand,
Clothes the bare hill, and to the rugged place
Gives comeliness and grace.

To all things else she cometh, once a year,
With strong, new life, with beauty and glad cheer;
To all things else: ah! sometime, it must be
That she will come to me!
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