Ina Coolbrith

1841 – 1928 / Nauvoo, Illinois


O SHINING, sapphire sea!
From thy bosom put away
Every vexing thought to - day;
Smile through all thy dimpling spray:
All that earth contains for me,
Of love, and truth, and purity,
Trust I unto thee!

O foam-flecked, azure sea!
Let thy calm, untroubled waves,
By the softest gales caressed,
Rise and fall like love-beats in
Her timid maiden breast;
Let thy dreamiest melodies
Cradle her to rest.

O wild, white, mystic sea!
Let thy strong upholding arm
Tender as a lover's be;
Let no breath of rude alarm
Mar her heart's tranquillity;
Through the sunshine, past the storm,
Bear her safe from every harm,
Once again to me!
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