He that is poore in spirite and in mynde,
and rightly deemes his vertues to be small.
He that in his soule no goodnes can finde,
but doth adiudge himselfe the worst of all.
O happy man preferde before the rest,
All thinges shall worke togeather for his best.
He that doth feele the burden of his sinne,
to presse him downe into the lowest hell:
And euen from thence with woofull playnt begins
to mourne, that he so deepely did rebell.
O happy man. &c.
He that is meeke and humbled in his soule,
for greeuing God by former tyme mysspent.
He that doth striue his lustes for to controll,
and from within doth all his sinnes repent.
O happy man, &c.
He that doth hunger after righteousnesse,
to know the Lord and his most holy wyll.
He that in lyfe doth study to expresse,
what God his worde enioynes him to fulfill.
O happy man &c.
He that is mercifull, to remit all wronges,
and tenderly respectes his neighbours poore.
He that supplyes what so to them belong,
that so they may passe by the niggardes doore.
O happy man. &c.
He that is pure and single in his hart,
to seeke the Lord and his true worshyp heare.
He that from his worde wyll in no wyse start,
for losse, for gayne, for fauour, or for feare.
O happy man. &c.
He that doth seeke to ende debate and stryfe,
twixt man and man, so much as in him lyeth:
He that hymselfe doth leade a holy lyfe,
which God doth loue, and Satan much enuyth.
O happy man. &c.
He that doth suffer for the Gospelles sake,
the losse of freedome goodes, or lyfe it selfe:
And chearefully his crosse with Christ vp take,
regarding not this worlde, not worldly pelfe.
O happy man. &c.
He that can put vp all reprochfull wordes,
with Iesus Christ, and for his holy wyll,
Although such tongues do cut lyke pearcing swordes,
to wounde the iust, that wysh and would none yll,
O happy man &c.
He that doth watch and pray vnto the Lord,
to redeeme all those that suffer for his sake:
And for to giue free passage to his worde,
our soules by preaching ioyfull for to make,
O happy man. &c.
He that doth hate the wicked wayes of sinne,
and sets his soule to seeke the trueth aryght.
He that forsakes this worlde, and all therein,
and on the Lord doth fixe his whole delyght,
O happy man &c.
He that doth loath the pleasures of this lyfe,
as knowing them to fight agaynst his soule.
He that doth stryue to stynt such fruitelesse stryfe,
and all his lustes by wysedome styll controll.
O happy man. &c.
He that in all distresse can freely say,
thy wyll (O Christ) be euer done in me:
I do beleeue thou wylt not me denay,
but saue my soule in ioy eternally.
O happy man. &c.
He that doth long to be with Christ the Lord,
where his elect his blessed name adore:
That he with them, and all with one accorde,
may magnifie his goodnes euermore.
O happy man preferde before the rest,
All thinges shall worke togeather for his best.