..a time. a tumble. autumn as ode to angle tangle.
awesome ya'll the ungreening. warm as sun nostalgia. then as whooosh.
who's shushing? air is to tree as water is to rock....
these pieces of a seized sun hang like a lick's afterthoughts. slicked as the gutters clogged.
these reaches of a sizzled sum. these branches aloft as scission. these are not words of filth.
they're lure make be leaf.
branch]not as in bank branch, bank branch as in river raven.
yellow]not as in yellow belly, yellow belly as in the golden
stage of understory. oak]as in this. here. tree.
tree≠tree=tr ee≠tree=tree≠tree=fox's
den is din
attach the storm windows. lit's beginning to glint cold. too a rush
of stirrings. um, geese? no, crow. a blue-black loose on leaves. here worlds
have been mist calm strewn. love true do turn up the thermostat.
i saw spawns skein of outlaw. a caw is back.
is as small bird. wakes a spiral squall. nada. grackle. awe. a-ha. ha-ha. gall a hallow. hall. to
what hall do you refer? re: fir.
this is. the and. and the big and's sing. this is. about the seizing and
that allows sum's murmur. this is. about null. a bout's all. a bough falls. all is.
is sow. is nit. is to. is knot.