LORD, traces of your goodness flood our view.
Blankets of your considerations cover all
we behold -- there, are you.
Magnificent your creation...your touch
upon the tiniest work of life, fresh daily;
care given to perpetuate: it's life,
it's growth, maturity and reproductivity.
Your splendid handiwork...nothing spared, we see.
LORD, great is Your Mind, Your Soul, Your Image!
Explosive! yes, explosive!...
producing, protecting, preserving...on and on,
knowing only what our minds can take in.
How great Thou art beyond comprehension:
plentiful, abundant -- saturating again
and again, our planet's need and beauty.
Help us, our God, to be imbued with capacity
to take in the mammoth visible and invisible
practice of Your doing;
Your creativity continually moving forward...
never ceasing...THOU ART GOD!