Giuseppe Gioacchin Belli

7 September 1791 – 21 December 1863 / Rome

La Scerta (The Choice)

Sta accusì. La padrona cor padrone,
Volenno marità la padroncina
Je portonno davanti una matina,
Pe sceje, du' bravissime perzone.

Un de li dua aveva una ventina
D'anni, e du' spalle peggio de Sanzone;
E l'antro lo diceveno un riccone
Ma aveva un po' la testa cennerina.

Subbito er giuvinotto de quer paro
Se fece avanti a dì: "Sora Lucia,
Chi volete de noi? parlate chiaro".

"Pe dilla, me piacete voi e lui",
Rispose la zitella; "e ppijerìa
Er cicio vostro e li quadrini sui".

This is how it went. My master and mistress,
Wishing to have their daughter married
One morning brought in front of her
Two very respectable persons to choose.

One of the two was about twenty
Years old, and had shoulders wider than Samson's;
While the other one was known as a rich man
But had a few grey hair.

Immediately the young man of the couple
Started saying: "Miss Lucy,
Who of us do you want? speak frankly".

"Really, I like both of you",
Answered the girl ; "and I would take
Your tool and his money".
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