Giovanni Battista Casti

1724-1803 / Italy

Sonnet Iii

Hence, dreams or fables, hence! Others before
Have sung, while poesy their bosoms warmed,
How Jove, in bull and golden shower transformed,
Agenor and Acrisius wrong' d of yore;
And far-famed Grecian youth, from Colchis' shore
That brought the golden fleece jEetes charmed;
And regal bird, tho angry Juno stormed,
That erst the beauteous boy to Olympus bore.
Armida's or Alcinous' fabled tales
Others have told: and honour waits the one That with the greatest falsehood truth o'erveils.
Hence, dreams or fables, hence! whoever' quotes:
Meanwhile the Muse relates in artless tone
The genuine story of the Triple Groats.
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