Georgia Rose Mclane Colli

Jersey City, New Jersey

Where Is Compassion?

Where is compassion Lord where has it gone
Where is the peace for which we all long
The world is indifferent cruel and cold
The people have gotten evil and bold
We must think of the goodness of a loving God
Jesus carrying the cross as to calvary he trod
He died for all sinners that's you and me
Jesus laid down his life in agony
The world has forgotten his sacrifice
And how our savior paid the awful price
To teach us to love and to have compassion
Stop hating each other stop the bashing
We can't seem to forgive and try to forget
I know Jesus is sad his tears falling yet
That we have no compassion and no respect
Our prayers go unanswered they have no effect
Because we are holding evil in our heart
And forgiveness is something we never let part
The devil is busy his demons are too
If he can hold you in bondage that's what he will do
Make no mistake with God you're well protected
The devil can't harm you unless you elect it
Prayer is the key that unlocks heaven's door
Ask for forgiveness and compassion then let your spirit soar
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