George Sterling

1869-1926 / United States

An Autumn Thrush

Like some regret that, half-forgot,
Gropes into memory,
Here in a shadow-chosen spot
Thy music steals to me.

To soft for joy, too mild for grief,
Within the wood it dies—
Beauty too wayward and too brief
To grace our noonday skies.

The dusk enfolds me, and the year
Stands at the western gate.
Thy song, the symbol of a tear,
Echoes the cry 'Too late!'

'Too late!' cries back the conscious heart,
As one that in dismay
Had seen the affronted gods depart
And could not bid them stay;

Nor could retain from Time's control
A moment or a flow'r,
Save when in woodlands of the soul
Such strains endure an hour.
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