George Henry Boker

October 6, 1823 – January 2, 1890 / United States

Sonnet Cclxiv:

Once as I slumbered, with my heart awake--
Love's lonely sentinel--my lady stood,
Fair in the glory of her womanhood,
Beside the bed made restless for her sake.
Awhile she paused in pity, as to slake
The burning eyes I plunged beneath her flood
Of gold-brown hair, sole veil to flesh and blood
That shone, like morn, through every rift and break.
Slowly I traveled with my longing glance
From budded bosom down to supple feet--
Delicious voyage, that lagged at each advance!
What more delight might then have been my chance,
Had not my heart a wild alarum beat--
Too faithful watcher, thus to end my trance!
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