Stay with me an hour, Lord
I know You will be true,
Although Your closest friends that night
Could not do that for You
And yet You walked together
Toward destiny that night
And when he jumped to Your defense
You said it wasn't right
Then Judas's kiss - betrayal
Within the Romans' sight
To Caiphas they dragged You,
Prince of Peace of all the world,
But You held firm
Throughout the play
The soldiers did their turn.
While Roman Pontius Pilate
The truth tried to discern
And they beat You
And they scourged You
And hollered for Your death
And crowned You with a thorny bush
And mocked Your every breath
Yet You held firm
And blessed them
Then You were still.
*********************************** *********
They buried Him behind a stone
Wrapped in linen
Left alone
The soldiers, upon pain of death
Stood guard upon His tomb
The women came into the place
To do what they must do
Distressed that He was clearly gone
They cried it to a few..
The group was disconcerted
To lose Him just like that
And then the Christ appeared to them
And spoke with them
And ate with them
And promised them
A comforter
And went to make a place
And sent the Holy Spirit
To bring to us
His grace.
(c) Gail McDonald 2010