Franklin J. Warren

1926 / Prescott, Arizona

A Cynic

The masses never see the larger picture,
Too involved in biblical scripture,
They seem to need that crutch,
Of some deity that loves them much!

it is a desire that denies intellect,
They may even kill you if they suspect,
That you do not believe as they do,
You cannot convince them they have a loose screw!

Some charlatan preacher calls them his flock,
in this term their intellect he does mock,
Led like a flock of waddling geese to slaughter,
Yet doesn't get charged with manslaughter!

Seems to be considered reverent action,
By those of the religious faction,
To shout and pray and be fools,
Part of the preacher's tools!

if they only could know how ridiculous they are,
They would cover the preacher with feathers and tar,
But their minds are not their own,
They are all just the preacher's pawn!

They have their parishioners spouting beliefs,
To anyone that will listen regardless of grief's,
That they generate with their nonsense,
They will get you from sleep, to convince!

it's such a prevailing influence in our land,
That if a politician took a stand,
Against religion of any form,
He would be as if never born!

When a person has a belief system such as this,
They will destroy others in a religious bliss,
Never knowing how utterly stupid they are,
How like an animal instead of martyr!

People of religions all over the globe dying,
Leaving widows and children crying,
Because of a stupid religious belief,
That causes such havoc and grief!

Ten Thousand religions on earth,
And instead of causing death should cause mirth,
From any one of intellect that can see,
it's all about enormous stupidity!

This Earth just has to be the place,
Other worlds put the insane of their race,
How else can one explain the moronic behavior,
Of their ridiculous belief in a savior!

People have to think a big daddy in the sky,
Will come get them by-and by,
They cannot handle the belief,
That death is final, there's no relief!
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