Francesco Petrarch

1304-1374 / Arezzo, Italy

The angels elect and the blessed spirits,

‘Li angeli electi et l'anime beate'
The angels elect and the blessed spirits,
citizens of heaven, surrounded my lady,
filled with wonderment and reverence,
on that first day she passed beyond us.
‘What light is this, and what new beauty?'
they said amongst themselves, ‘since in all this age
no dress so adorned has ever risen
to this high place, out of the sinful world.'
She is a paragon to those most perfect spirits,
happy to have changed her residence,
and then from time to time she turns,
looking to see if I am following her, and seems to wait:
so that all my thoughts and desires yearn towards heaven
since I hear her praying for me to hasten there.

Translated by: A. S. Kline
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