Since the intimacy the night the creature
The man who dreams about it and the sun bleeding in the afternoon
When along corridors of bluish stone
The footsteps you now await
In the vast space of inflamed silence
(Deeper is the love that no one names
More bitter the distress of a mirror
When suddenly blurred by the slow breath
Of the far away sadness of someone
Who unwittingly roams across the void.)
The arch of the brows with a ray
The multitude of gold the shoulders in the white
A subterranean river in his breast
Thighs slowly mastering the earth
Gaze that in a duel exploded tremulously
Hope defeated by time
A perpetual walk in the rain
In the city of clouds and agonies
Despite everything and endlessly following you always
Oh cold brush of invisible flame
(Why did you retreat and remain silent
Did you think of yourself trembling like a child
A broken lament in your throat
Devoured by the net of a darkness
Saddened by your own dream?)
Then along motionless streets the dawn
Brought the undecipherable chance of a face
Blond brilliance and the fragile enthrallment
Of finding you alive in another paradise
Far from the occidental sun stained with blood
But thirst and thought pursue you
Your absence is invaded only by a body
That convulsed profile of desire flying
Towards clouds where eyes are green
Where they are still green and somber implacably
Hazy the gray days successively turn
Pale with drizzle and uncertainties
When close to nightfall you exist
With the darkness of beings around you
Their disdainful deafness impenetrable
Red Bogotá delirious like a fire
That invades milling crowds with lights
Then the night air opening moons
And hiding an eagerness deep down
Oh you who girdles and tightens and loves unseen
(Only within your heart things happen
You hear only a hoarse trumpet course your blood
Time accumulating in ashes
You turn to look at reflections at nightfall
In the night silent lips lull you back to sleep)
Body that does not walk but
Forconstellations of incandescent exile
Bring your accustomed feet to the dawn
To walk in this forsaken island this door
Where love knocks against phantoms
(It is not the dream but it is us
As destiny is harsh and adverse
The desert hope without sustenance
Sleepy days and thoughts flow
Corpses of sun and rain in the memory)
After secretive steps voices echoes
Come eternal eternal
Gesture concealing shadow suspected by the air
But when your footsteps vanish again
So at the end will body be night
Once again unfathomable your light out of time