Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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Summer Dance

S-tars whirling through midnight black skies, whitely,
U-rged on by the Milky Way, twinkling quite brightly.
M-adcap moon in a romance dance over sapphire earth,
M-eaningful though mild, in the precincts of her birth!
E-arly morning lemon clouds sweep by tall mountaintops,
R-acing the redbirds, as emerald toads do froggy hops.
D-aily masquerade ball of a red sun's splash and dash,
A-nd the mysterious wind, giving vivid blooms whiplash!
N-ebulous green waves, undulate seductively into foam,
C-ameo appearances of butterflies, in acutely green homes.
E-ach noon intensely golden, each tango new, though olden!
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