Evelyn Judy Buehler

March 18, 1953 - Chicago
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In Living Color

Green hills are all abloom, in living color,
For a rich, prismatic sun is going places!
Azure skies glow, with clouds of powder,
Like the velvety moon in all of its phases.

For a rich, prismatic sun is going places,
Strewing smoky, ruby hues everywhere,
Until a velvet moon comes, in its phases,
At twilight, with the diamonds in her hair!

Strewing smoky, ruby hues everywhere,
Sun aids life on land, in air, and the sea.
At twilight, with the diamonds in her hair,
A creamy moon then glimmers so calmly.

Sun aids life on land, in air, and the sea,
Azure skies glow, with clouds of powder,
A creamy moon then glimmers so calmly,
Green hills are all abloom, in living color!
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