Eliza Acton

1799-1859 / England

To ---- ------

We parted-thou wert borne afar,
Through lands of loveliness to range,
Thy guide and hope, that glorious star,
Which knows no dark'ning shade of change.

We parted-I remain'd alone
Where meteor-lights around me played,
And my mind took that heartless tone,
Which pain too soon to thine convey'd.

Again we met!-thine eye was cold
As friendship's alter'd eye could be;
And well its chilling glances told
How thou wert chang'd,-at least to me.

I knew that I had wrong'd thee much,
But other feelings waken'd when
I saw thee,-and I deem'd that such
Might in thy breast be lingering then.

And were they not?-and shall they ne'er
In all their earlier glow revive?-
I turn me to thy smile-and there
Feel half assur'd that still they live.

'Wav'ring! '-yes !-yes !-I own it so-
But not again !-at least if aught
Can fix affection's wandering flow,
'Twill be-the lesson thou hast taught!
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