O lust of sacred loue the foule corrupter,
Vsurper of her heauenly dignitie,
Follies first childe, good councels interrupter
Fostered by sloth, first step to infamie,
Thou hel-borne monster that affrights the wise,
Loue-choking lust, vertues disdainefull foe:
Wisdomes contemner spurner of aduise,
Swift to forsweare, to faithfull promise slow,
Be thou as far from her chast-thoughted breast,
Her true loue kindled heart, her vertuous minde,
As is al-seeing
from the west,
When from
armes he doth vntwinde.
Nature did make her of a heauenly mould,
Onely true heauenly vertues to infould.