E C Esquire

1500-1600 / England

Sonnet Iv

My forlorne muse that neuer trode the path
That leades to top of hie Pierion mount,
Nor neuer washt within the liuesome bath
Of learnings spring, bright Aganippe fount:
Mine artles pen that neuer yet was dipt
In sacred nectar of sweet Castalie,
My louesicke heart that euer hath I clipt,

the Queene of chastitie:
Shall now learne skill my Ladies fame to raise,
Shall now take paines her vertues to record,
And honor her with more immortall praise,
Then euer heretofore they could affoord:
Both heart, and pen, and muse shall thinke it dutie,
With sighe swolne words to blaze her heauely beutie.
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