Dwight Burgess

Wamego, Kansas, USA

Let's Honor Old Glory

Let's look back throught the centuries,
And consider the cause for which she stands.
As she grew from just a dream there,
And took shape in Betsy Ross' nimble hands.
She had thirteen stars and stripes then,
One for each of thirteen states.
She has fifty small white stars now,
Representing these United States.
As each new state was admitted,
A new star was added in it's name.
But the stripes on Old Glory,
Have remained forever just the same.
It sure tugs at my heart strings,
And makes me as proud as you please.
When I glance out my window,
And see her length unfurled to the breeze.
Our Forefathers built this nation,
upon the Bible and the sword.
Let's all do our part now,
To bring our flag's name back to the Lord.
So let's follow our Forefathers,
And tread in the pathways that they trod.
Yes let's honor our Old Glory,
But let's don't forget to honor God.
Yes let's honor this great country,
But let's don't forget to honor God.
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