Dora Sigerson Shorter

1866-1918 / Ireland

Ave Maria

In the darkness of the night I wake and weep,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
Dread shapes crowd around me, I cannot sleep,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
Love that must separate, Death that takes all,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
Comes in the darkness with shuddering footfall,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
Stern seems the face of the Lord and turned away,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
For my prayerless night and my deedless day,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
Thou art meek and full of mercy—pray for me,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
He will listen to my prayer for love of thee,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
Say that the world's hot dust was in my eyes,
Ave Maria, hear my prayer!
Say that my ears were deaf with city cries,
Ave Maria, hear my prayer!
Say to that man and beast so questionèd,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
That on the cross He hung beloved but dead,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!

In the darkness of the night I wake and weep,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
All that I am not drives my soul from sleep,
Ave Maria, hear my cry!
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