Diadema Tor Mansour

California, USA

The Scar Of Palestine

It was once said to be a paradise,
Its harvest was abundantly ripe,
Its land was green in sight,
But greed of power smack its rights. It was once said to be a paradise,
With love, children and family thrive,
With olive trees and faces bright,
But now cupidity gave its blight. It was once said to be a paradise,
With water clear and clean to drink,
Invigorating so it quench a thirst,
But now selfish endeavor gave its tears. It was once said to be a paradise.
With hearts that folks of old described,
Its beauty cleanse the soul aright,
But now extreme folly gave it elegiac doom. It was once, said to be a paradise,
With charity, God gave mankind the exponents to grow,
To teach and to ably nurture the truth -----
But lo fractious and berserk soul strive to thwart
the truth and then --- gave
its blightful growth. It was once said to be a paradise,
Where, faith and trust were the peoples guide,
Its magnificence was a priceless sight,
But now disconsolate tribe gave its lusterless light. It was once said to be a paradise,
Its beauty was so majestic, oh majestically grand!
With fertile minds hearts, and land as well,
But now polluted wisdom gave its lamentous hell!! It was once said to be a paradise,
With freedom borne from the great above,
Its incomparable ecstasy was so sublime,
But now corrupt endeavor took its freedom so divine. Oh paradise lost and people maimed,
When can you be regained???
For bloodshed sought is not your destiny,
But justice is your peaceful dignity. Oh paradise lost and people maimed,
When can you be regained???
For your principles are high and truth remains,
Yes, you'll fight victoriously and forever be a paradise gain!!!!!!!
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