Denise Levertov

24 October 1923 – 20 December 1997 / Ilford, Essex

On A Theme By Thomas Merton

"Adam, where are you?"
     &nbsp ;    God's hands
palpate darkness, the void
that is Adam's inattention,
his confused attention to everything,
impassioned by multiplicity, his despair.

Multiplicity, his despair;
      & nbsp;   God's hands
enacting blindness. Like a child
at a barbaric fairgrounds --
noise, lights, the violent odors --
Adam fragments himself. The whirling rides!

Fragmented Adam stares.
      &n bsp;   God's hands
unseen, the whirling rides
dazzle, the lights blind him. Fragmented,
he is not present to himself. God
suffers the void that is his absence.
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