In this midnight I sit here
writing an ode to him
wrapping my words
in a comfy cuddle
for wind to carry all the way,
cos he is far away.
In his mind I found
my favorite rhythm of life.
It is simply drizzling of colours
on a black and white portrait
adding hues
no one has ever seen before .
I hear his voice
when I read the lines
of his favorite paragraphs
with best taste of wisdom .
beautiful thinking .....
wonderful charming ......
definitely a fantastic thought
same as when I see
tops of mountains
through the misty shawl .
It is said that
the best and beautiful things
must be felt with the heart.
So, I write to him
letting my sensational feelings
flow through words.
At this moment ,
though I feel his absence ,
I thank him for his presence
in my life.
D . C .
15. November . 2020.