Dagmara Kraus

1981 / Wrocław

Fantrasie #3

so let us consider now
the birdword that sneaks
its crooked and maybe dented beak
with all due caution
from outwards halfway in
and tangled in its own antitail
towards the domesticated mouth
then consuming themselves
hidden and hasting
the humours would convey
the chronosite of these obstacles

beachdaicheamaid ma-ta
gun do snàig an eunfhacail
le a bheilleag eagach
tolgte 's dòcha gu h-aotrom
agus fiù 's gu h-iongantach fhaiceallach
leth-slighe a-staigh on a-mach
ann an earballlùib fhada shnàgte
a dh'ionnsaigh a' bheòil challaichte
's le sin dheanadh an leanntras deannta 's air a chleith
malairt le làraicheantìd'
nan cnapan-starra-sa

so let us consider
that the wordfowl crept
with its petted lip notched
maybe gently scratched
and even nailfully cautious
halfway in from outwards
tangled in a long tailcurve
towards the domesticated mouth
and with that the humours hurrying and hidden
would barter the timetracks
of these stumbling blocks

Translated by Pàdraig MacAoidh
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