Dagmara Kraus

1981 / Wrocław

Fantrasie #2

through the testamenter's deaths flew
a front of foot-warm whistling-birds
in them he was iridescentransmogrified
passing beyond the ends of the waters
the older cunning ones
could apply resin to the high stand
of the cause on the horizon
when the glass harbours sway softly
before completion washed its hands
it is obviously
to be wiped off on the tablecloth

tro bhàis a' thiomnaiche theich
eòin fheadanach chas-teasach aig aghaidh
unnta uile bha e sionn 's air chaochladh
seachad air fìor-iomall nan uisgeachan
b'urrainn dha na feadhainn seòlta na sine
bìth a lìbhrigeadh air fàire
air cois àrd na cuise
nuair luaisg na callachan glainne gu socair
mus do nì iomlanachd a làmhan
tha aige ri bhith
suathadh gu follaiseach air anart a' bhùird

through the testamenter's deaths flew
itchyfeet whistling birds in a v
in them he was changelinged and lustrous
beyond the very ends of the waters
the older craftier ones
could administer birdlime on the horizon
to the high stem of the cause
when the glass harbours rock softly
before completeness washes its hands
it must obviously
be wiped off on the table linen

Translated by Pàdraig MacAoidh
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