Cornelia Kay Grant

Baytown, Texas, USA

Watch The Little Things

Little by little I grew to a man
Fulfilling the marvel of God's physical plan.
By the self-same precept to enlarge the soul
Adding the virtues to make me whole. Nothing's so minute to be overlooked
It behooves me to search God's Holy Book.
So as not to offend Him in anything
And send my soul in pits of pain. He will help me all the graces I need
And strengthen me with faith's seed
To scatter among my dear fellowman
So souls to Him with praises ran. Each day's a gift from heaven above,
Given by God in His matchless love.
I must use it to serve Him with infinite care
From a grateful heart that is instantaneous in prayer. Praise Him, o soul, while here you stay,
Sing His praises; oh please don't delay!
Be happy in Him, and you will He bless
While on this earth and eternal rest.
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