Christuraj Alex

28 May 1964 - India
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Magi And The Master

Puzzles filled the paths of the Magi. Each stone was a gem.
Every gleam and nurture of nature shone like Bethlehem.
Each ray of sun and drop of shower, they gladly explored
Could they quench their thirst by anyone except their own lord?

Could Herod hide the spark of untruth in his tongue for long?
Nipping in bud, the good news of Jesus in him was strong.
Did he know that ending your life would end his life as well?
The Scriptures and sciences seemed to him like souls of hell.

The earth, air, water, fire, and sky merged with your physique.
Walking in Abba's ways was, for you, a secret unique.
From dust to dust, the soul of the cosmos is a sole whole.
You held to human ways while following the Father's goal.

The heavens and the earth met under a unique ceiling.
You, as our flesh and blood, O Jesus, revealed your being
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