Christopher Goodwyn

1500-1560 / England

Lenuoy Of The Authour

Go forth lytell boke, and do thy selfe present
Unto my yonge ladyes, & maydes of eche a state
Prayenge them with the to be content
And also with me that do the dedycate
Unto them cheyfly, wysshynge them fortunate
And althoughe the mette, deuoyde be of eloquence
Yet is therin to be noted, many a good sentence.
Wherfore good vyrgyns all, I hartely you pray
For to take in gree, this my lytell payne
How best I knowe well, that no man may
Take in hande a warke, but some wyll it dysdayne
But as for the Iugement, of any suche lyght brayne
I force not, so you therby I not offende
Whom alwaye (god wot) to please I do entende.
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