Go forthe lytell quayre with full due reuerence
Unto the prynces of beauty souerayne
And the humbly submyt vnto her magnyfycence
Requyrynge her to take not in dysdayne
This lytell werke whiche with grete labour & payne
Her goodnes to declare I toke on honde to make
Though I vnworthy were suche thyges to vnder take
Wherfore I beseche all you that shall ouer rede
This lytell proses to haue me in no skornynge
Nor me to dysprayse thoughe I so rudely enterprysed
suche maters to take in honde to me nothyge pertainyge
But where as is amys there to be amendynge
Thus I you pray with my hole affeccyon
Whiche entendeth to rede or thys dytte to loke vppon