Charles Nicholson

Ft Bragg, NC
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The Proof

. . .the trouble with sin, my friends,
and I’m talkin’ ‘bout you know what here,
is that it has one little problem,
and that’s what our friend Science
likes to call entropy.
That’s right, “entropy.”
Sin does indeed please, like a sweet, sweet
potato pie. But in pleasin’ it also consumes.
That’s right, “consumes.”
Y’all are familiar with Thermodynamics, right?
And the first and second laws?
(Judgin’ from the looks on your faces,
I’m guessin’ some of you slept in class.)
Well, let me illustrate for ya.
Let’s suppose you observe
two bodies in nature. . .let’s say at a drive-in theatre
in the back seat of a car.
Y’all know what I’m talking’ about.
One of those bodies is at rest, not movin’
just kinda starin’ at the screen.
The other body, however, is in motion.
I mean incessant, unrelenting motion,
proddin’ npawin’ ncoaxin’ that lifeless body
like it was trying to resurrect it.
Now accordin’ to the first law,
if the body in motion acts on the body at rest,
the body at rest will take on energy in the form of heat.
That’s right, “heat.”
Thus increasin’ its potential and resultin’
if you will, in the very act of sin.
That’s right, “sin.”
Now if this were a vacuum, my friends,
and I know we all would love it to be that way,
the sin I’m now describin’ to ya
would go on indefinitely.
That’s right, “indefinitely.”
But it can’t, it won’t, it shall not praise Jesus!
For as the greater second law states,
the end—the wage, if you will—of all
that action and reaction is irreversible equilibrium.
That’s right, “irreversible equilibrium!”
And I say Amen to that.
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