Charles Bernstein


here. Forget.
There are simply tones
cloudy, breezy
birds & so on.
Sit down with it.
It's time now.
There is no more natural sight.
Anyway transform everything
silence, trees
commitment, hope
this thing inside you
flow, this movement of eyes
set of words
all turns, all grains.
At night, shift
comets, "twirling planets,
suns, bits of illuminated pumice"
pointing out, in harsh tones
cancers & careers.
"Newer Limoges please."
Pick some value
mood, idea, type or smell of paper
iridescent, lackluster
&, "borne in peach vessels,'
just think
"flutter & cling"
with even heavier sweep
which are the things
of a form, etc
that inhere.
Fair adjustment
becomes space between
crusts of people
strange, rending:
as sound of some importance
"as dark red circles"
digress, reverberate
connect, unhook.
Your clothes, for example
face, style
radiate mediocrity
coyly, slipping
& in how many minutes
body & consciousness
deflect, "flame on flare"
missed purpose.
Your eyes
thought stumbles, blinded
speck upon speck
ruffling edges.
"But do not be delighted yet."
The distance positively entrances.
Take out pad & pen
crystal cups, velvet ashtray
with the gentility of easy movement
evasive, unaccountable
& puffing signs
detach, unhinge
beyond weeds, chill
with enthusiastic smile
& new shoes
"by a crude rotation"
a bulk of person
"ascending,' "embodied."
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