Carol D. Meeks

Artesia, New Mexico

Sides Of A Champion

We deem the team, or person,
Or thing, that stands high, tall,
Or is the last to fall;

As a champion, crowned
The winner, the choice.
He who conquers the utmost
Which leads to nothing
But do it again and again.

AS: D. Wayne Lukas in the
Summer of 2000, gained victory
Of his 13th Triple Crown with
A colt named Commendable.

Then, at Pebble Beach,
The disbelief of last year’s best,
Paine Stewart, void in their
U. S. Open. In the prime
Of his career, death overcame him.

With Lance Armstrong’s
Ownership of the Tour de
France, five years now, straight,
And cancer battles in-between.
He’s not a victim, but a survivor
With five yellow jerseys,
He’s with courage, this lion-hearted
Valiant, conductor of bravery.

He’s like our troops that still stay
And fight for America and her freedom
So the Lance Armstrong’s
Can participate in the game of life
And be crowned champion
Of their family’s hearts.
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