Bryan Nichols

Llandrindod Wells, Powys, UK

The Lottery Ii

Be it known that thou couldst win
A life of luxury and sin
Feast on chocolates so fine
And taste the rarest steak and wine Have a Rolls with seats of leather
And entertain a girl called Heather
With a chauffeur James complete with cap
And iced champagne which flows on tap Visit all the posh hotels
And savour luxury which quells
A raving thirst for zest of life
Replacing mundane work and strife Spoil yourself and buy a yacht
Some like it cool and some so hot
A host of ladies you could choose
To join you on your naughty cruise Then back to home—a mansion rare
With massive grounds and lakes to spare
Servants at your left and right
And chambermaids to chase all night This could be your new lifestyle
If you ponder for a while
Then pick the numbers with great care
And change them only if you dare
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