Bessie Rayner Parkes

1829-1925 / England

The Little Bird

A LITTLE bird sat on a greenwood tree,
And out of a holy book read he,
His native notes adorning;
'Twas thus he warbled till close of light,
'Sorrow endureth but for the night,
Joy cometh in the morning.'

A little bird sat on a greenwood tree,
And out of a holy book read he,
'O ye of little faith,
Ceaselessly thus to tremble when
Not even the sparrows, much less men,
Unheeded fall in death!'

A little bird sat on a greenwood tree,
And out of a holy book read he,
Look not to the morrow;
Each day fit strength for its burden brings,
And they who have treasure in heavenly things
A heavenly strength can borrow!'

A little bird sat on a greenwood tree,
And out of a holy book read he,
'No heighth nor any depth,
Nor power, nor principality
Can come between that Heart and thee,
Which watched while others slept!'

Little bird on the greenwood tree,
Read till the volume ended be,
Words of holy measure;
When the earth is peopled by righteous men,
And the sheep are folded within the pen
By Christ the Shepherd, and not till then
Warble for thy pleasure.
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