Besa Dede

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Biography of Besa Dede

I was born in the Spring, during a time of turmoil in my country. My people were fed up with dragging their heavy shackles that dictatorship had gifted them for so many a long years. People were tired, scared, frustrated and fed up. They needed a change; a change for good in their lives and clear air to breathe. The air of freedom would come a couple years later. Even though I was born during such a sad and grey time, I still enjoyed my childhood. I only knew and understood my parents' and many other's pain and suffering, later. That sadness and compassion I felt, took roots within my heart. The only way I managed to try and get it out was by me composing poems, prose and the like. Somehow though, my writings bear a note of sadness within them, pessimism more often than not; but sometimes, some waves of hopefulness try to emerge through them. I like using symbolism as my muse and in my favorite genres I love to delve in blank verses, allegory, elegies, haiku, ballads and terza stanzas, but not only. Still enjoy into experimenting with everything... During my everyday life I am a working woman, a wife and life partner, a mom, a daughter, a sister, a friend.