Bernice Hooks

Los Angeles, California

All Glory To God

I am amazed at what God has done through me;
For I can do nothing without Him--certainly;
Choosing weak people to perform His marvelous will;
All glory to God for each talent and skill;

I dare not boast of what I have done;
All praises to God for victories I have won;
For when I am weak through Him I am strong;
All glory to God for to Him I belong;

He gives me the power to repent of my sins;
Then sends the Comforter to dwell within;
Full faith in God is a gift from above;
Knowing I am loved through Jesus shed blood;

God gave His only begotten Son;
Because God is love the victory is won;
The world was made free at Calvary;
All glory to God for victory;

Arise and shine ye redeemed of the earth;
For Christ is our righteousness without dearth;
Both good and bad are invited to the wedding feast;
Clothed in the white robe of Christ's righteousness--heirs complete.
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