Anuska Rajbhandari

January 12,2006 - Nepal
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"Life's unfair"
A phrase we hear quite a lot,
All our lives,through the years.
I thought this was only a phrase,
A phrase created to make us work hard,
A phrase that leads to lower expectations of ours,
A phrase born to teach us a lesson,
A phrase to help us realise our life's a blessing.
All my life I've never thought I'd see this phrase be true,
But with everything I see happening around me I think it's cruel.
It's cruel that I have a bed, a warm blanket, edible food, and a place to call home,
It's cruel that I have a house I can be proud to call my own.
While there are children out there in the world,
Who are unsure if they'll get to see the daylight once more.
It's cruel seeing how the people are okay,
Okay with these poor innocent children not getting to see another day.
They're just kids who know nothing,
Nothing of the world and how unfair it's being.
They don't know which act they did wasn't right,
What was the sin they committed to not deserve a life.
They know nothing of a loving and a peaceful family,
Wait, but do they even know what's a family?
Their childhood, innocence and also their lives,
Are being striped from their hands right before our eyes.
It's cruel how we've heard of them and know their stories,
When they are the kids who'll never even get to know their families.
"Life's unfair"
Now I think this phrase is actually true,
'Cuz I'm here resting peacefully in my room.
Sadly there are people out there dying for other people's crimes,
While I'm in my room making all these words rhyme,
And posting it from the warmth and comfort of a peaceful life,
When the ones this is written about are constantly dying.
So yes,
Life IS unfair.
Unfair to those who were born with the purpose of getting punished for the sin of others,
Unfair to those who'll only get to experience the feeling of being in constant danger.
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