He was born in Torredonjimeno, Spain, where he currently lives. He has published six poetry books: "The emptiness in the nude" (Editorial El Paisaje), "One Hundred Birds Courting the Phoenix" (Edition of the Cultural Board of Torredonjimeno), "Stone and water in the intercourse of the centuries" (Editorial Alcance, Andújar), "Jazz that dissipates the clouds" (Edition of the Andalusian Center for Historical Studies), "The most beautiful garden" and "Flow of the sea in the dreams" (both from Editorial El Taller del Poeta). He is also the author of the Theater play: "Antonio", premiered by the Lírico-Dramatic Association "Barahona de Soto" of Lucena and which is a magical-historical introspection on the life and work of the poet Antonio Machado. His story "Negrocarbón y las Siete Gigantas", First Prize of the 1st Ecological Children's Story Contest of the Junta de Extremadura (Regional Editor of Extremadura) has also been edited. His most recent book is a volume of stories titled "Tales to travel far" (Ediciones Rubeo, Málaga).
Part of his work can also be read in national and international poetic anthologies. He is a member of various literary associations. He has also developed an extensive journalistic activity. He currently collaborates in programs of the Andalusian Center for Literature.