Anonymous British

An Inscription On An Old Monumental Stone, In Lee, Kent

'Come gentle Reader you shall know what is
Beneath this stone, HERE's natures rarities -
(Grand-Parents joy; The ANGells charge (to keepe)
The saint's companion, But now laid to sleepe
in a cold bed of clay (prepared by death)
Till God restore to him An Heavenly breath
NOT, ten yeares old (so young he was) and yet
Pregnant in learning, memory Retent,
So DOCible that few so EXcellent.
Should I say All (was truly good) in him
I should come shorte in hymning forth this stem
Nor would this stone conteynt, therefore no more
So greene a roote more ripened fruite nere bore
Now if yould know who 'tis deserues this praise
Reade the next lines And's name and vertues Raise.'

'Here lyes Thomas Garnet, eldest sonne
of Kathirine, the wife of William Garnet,
of Lond: gent., one of the daughters of
Thomas Foxall by Elizabeth his wife, late of
this parrish. He departed this life the - -
day of December 1648, being not fully ten
years of age and his grandmother Elizabeth
before named - - - - in her love to him
and for the imitation of his vertues in others
cavsed this incription.'
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