Anonymous British

A Set Of Bells Cast In The Time Of Queen Anne, From St. Helen's Church, At Worcester

1. Blenheim.
First is my note, and Blenheim is my name;
For Blenheim's story will be first in fame.

2. Barcelona.
Let me relate how Louis did bemoan
His grandson Philip's flight from Barcelon.

3. Ramilies.
Deluged in blood, I, Ramilies, advance
Britannia's glory on the fall of France.

4. Menin.
Let Menin on my sides engraven be;
And Flanders freed from Gallic slavery.

5. Turin.
When in harmonious peal I roundly go,
Think on Turin, and triumphs on the Po.

6. Eugene.
With joy I hear illustrious Eugene's name;
Fav'rite of fortune and the boast of fame.

7. Marlborough.
But I for pride, the greater Marlborough bear;
Terror of tyrants, and the soul of war.

8. Queen Anne.
The immortal praises of queen Anne I sound,
With union blest, and all these glories crowned.
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