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I don’t see a new horizon,
And the old one’s disappeared.
On the wind, I smell the poison;
It just lingers in the air.
The dust clouds block the sunshine,
And the skies are no longer blue.
The world is slowly fading,
But all I miss is you.

This is not a love song;
It’s not a poem or a prayer.
There are no happy endings;
It’s a tribute to despair.

There are no knights in shining armor;
There are no saviors from above.
There are no warriors returning;
There are no unrequited loves.
There are no shelters to retreat to;
There are no soothing sounds.
There’s no call to final prayers;
There’s no salvation to be found.

No one knows what happened;
No one wants to take the blame.
The whole world is in denial;
They don’t even share the shame.
History keeps repeating,
Yet it’s always a surprise.
The devil sends his henchmen
With no need for a disguise.
The masses look on smiling
As they ring the final bell.
Since they murdered Jesus,
The whole world’s gone to hell.

But now they use his name in vain
To defend the wrongs they do,
Selling Bibles from the White House
To line the pockets of a few.
Vilifying Allah,
Blame the poor for our mistakes.
Fencing off the borders,
Locking all the gates.
There’s no more need for conscience;
Let’s let AI decide.
It can now rewrite history
So no one knows who lied.
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