Annisa Dwi Afika

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in between

lost soul, trembling steps
say, do i have my own ground,
where i can trust it to hold me steadily, when i feel like tumbling down?
or my ground is made from bits and pieces of others, that could easily break when it no longer favors me?
or perhaps, i've wandered without a steady path to claim as mine

apart from the earth and the universe, where do i stand?
apart from the living and the unknown, where do i stand?
apart from the past and the present, where do I stand?
apart from being a participant of society, where do i stand?

within light and shadow, where do i stand?
within guilt and innocence, where do i stand?
within knowledge and ignorance, where do i stand?
within reality and illusion, where do i stand?

my restless night,
countless days,
endless thought,
will it finally cease if i knew?

perhaps, i'm waiting for someone to settle me in place, to make believe that that is supposedly where i stand
like a marionette
that is dragged wherever they please
am i merely
hovering in between?
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