Andy Hunter

May 20, 1957, Margate UK
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Best Mans' Speech

Well old friend the time has come
Is this by choice or by shotgun?
You said for you she is the one
You can’t back out the deed is done.

Like the proverbial sitting duck
Love hits you like a ten-ton truck
We sincerely wish you lots of luck
At least tonight you’re guaranteed a good time.

We’ve known you since we were at school
And you’re the one who played it cool
But now you’ve got a chain and ball
I guess it happens to us all.

Try not to commit the ultimate crime
By not arriving home on time
Expect it all to work out fine
With flowers, chocs, and a bottle of wine

All she’ll do is expect the worst
Your good intentions are now cursed
She’ll ask you why you didn’t text or phone
You’ll end up on the couch alone

To achieve a long and happy marriage
You’re the horse – she’s the carriage.
She’s in charge but you’re in control.
Just take her where she wants to go.

Now you’ve said the words “I do”.
What’s yours is hers – what’s hers is too.
Steer clear of trouble, avoid the strife
We wish you both a happy life.
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