Andrew Tian

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A woman leaves her 2nd husband.
She moves to America.
All she brings with her is a rat.
She loves the rat very much.
The woman also recieved a horse.
It was from the 1st husband.
She decided to make them shine.
They both get the same curriculum.
They go through rigorous training.
The horse struggles yet thrives.
The rat starts falling behind.
She begins to feel frustrated.
Why can't it be more like the horse?
The rat uses up her resources.
She worked hard to earn them.
The rat feels sad and empty.
One day after 4 years it cries.
It cries for help from the woman.
She runs it over.
Too distracted by the strong horse.
She doesn't notice.
The horse had always cared.
It weeps but moves on.
Years go by.
The horse has become successful.
It wins many races.
The rat's corpse is still there.
Mutilated from continuous lashings.
The woman believes it to be alive.
She gives it the best education.
She gives it the best food.
She gives it the best home.
The rat doesn't move.
She gets angry.
She beats it every day.
The rat doesn't move.
It becomes an eyesore.
She cusses it out.
She hopes it will leave soon.
18 years will pass eventually.
Someone will dispose of the body.
The rat doesn't move.
And the world moves on.
After all, who cares about roadkill?
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