Amrin Fatema

13th april
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What is malignant
The abnormal mass,
Making you weak and shrivelled
Conveying the night pains,
Stealing sleep
That's s not just the malignant

The raptures of melancholy
Eve teasing hooligans,
The daughter paying with her education
For the social treachery
Is malignant

Labourer, working all day
In scorching, for hundred bucks
Leaves unpaid
By the clerks
Is malignant

Pedestrian, crossing the road
Falls dead,
Hit by the drunken gloat
No CPR, no FIR
is malignant

The rape victim,
Molested by her friends all over again
The questions, the narrtaions,
The police and judges discuss
Is malignant

The pregnant female,
Working in the office corridors
Lonely, she worked extra hours
Unpaid, yet unstoppable
Is malignant

The single father,
Hustling, happy
Unaware of the emotional conscience
Playing, cooking yet dressing
Is malignant

Sadistic gestures
Mob, hurling
Assaulting the innocent,
Stealing the breath of father
Strangling life out of his chest
Is malignant
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