Alyssa dewey

November 4, 2008 - Cincinatti Ohio
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I’m tired

I don't want to feel this way
I shouldn’t have to feel this way
like I cant walk down a hallway anymore
like I cant go out in public without hanging on to the hand of another
like i want to disappear
I feel tired
of always having to care
having to do certain things
having to cover my skin
my bruises
my scars
my life
because of the eyes of others
I feel tired
of trying to appeal for others
Always being the apologizer
never being the aggressor
I feel tired
of lacking self confidence
Crying when looking in a mirror
knowing well enough
im not the version of myself anyone wants
I feel tired
but that feels like an understatement
I am tired
Tired of others
tired of expectations
tired of myself
When will I be able to sleep?
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