Alexander Anderson

1845-1909 / Scotland

A Parting

The sunlight fell through the shadowy trees
In smiles all soft and sweet,
While the incense breath of an early-breeze
Stirr'd the primrose at our feet.
And you stoop'd to pluck its round bright eye
That peep'd up to the day,
Then turn'd from its golden bloom with a sigh,
For your thoughts were far away.
Ay, far away with some dearer one,
And hearing within your ear,
Breath'd out in love's low undertone
The vows that you loved to hear.
I knew I had no share in your heart,
And yet I could but speak,
While my life's sweet thoughts began to start
With the blush upon your cheek.
But you whisper'd as light as a leaf when turn'd
By the breath of the wooing wind,
A low sweet whisper, as if it mourn'd
For the pain it left behind.
And your eyes for a moment met my own
With the love that might have been,
Then slowly sank, and their light was gone,
And the sunlight fell between.
Ah me! through that sunlight I see thee now,
With the old-love-bloom on your cheek,
And within your eyes the same sweet glow
Of the thoughts you would not speak.
Then my heart, like a pilgrim, makes its choice,
And flings all thoughts away,
And listens again to thy low sweet voice,
As thine own did to his that day,
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